Looking Forward
My Future Learning Goals
As one door closes, another opens. I am always striving to be a better version of myself, and with that, comes setting goals that will guide me. As I check off my goal of receiving my Master of Arts in Educational Technology (MAET), I add new ones to the list that will complement my recent learning in teaching and technology. I will strive to become a leader in educational technology, educate students using 21st-century teaching and learning skills and continue to be a lifelong learner. These goals stem from my passion of helping children learn and become intelligent and caring individuals of society. With life comes obstacles, but with the knowledge of technology and 21st-century skills, students will have more tools and strategies to help them overcome these hardships. I believe that the best way I can help students is by focusing my teaching on educational technology and continuing to the learn as new tools and strategies are always surfacing.
For the past five years, I have gotten my feet wet in teaching and this past year, I decided to take my first step to becoming a leader in the field of education--continuing my education by enrolling in the MAET program at MSU. Now that I am at the end of this journey, I am ready to pursue a career that is focused in my passion of educational technology. My hope is to find a position where I can help as many people as possible in the world of educational technology. I want to be able to aide teachers in implementing technology into their classrooms, but still work directly with students in this field.
In order to reach this goal, I need to continuously check for job openings as an Educational Technology Consultant. Ideally, I would love to stay in my district, but since I don’t know of any upcoming openings, I will be using a few different job websites to help me find openings. A few trusted and reliable websites that I will be looking at are LinkedIn, GlassDoor and Indeed. My hope is that these websites will lead me to my dream job.
I have always envisioned my classroom being a 21st-century learning environment since I learned about it in my undergraduate students at MSU. Although I have taken some steps towards this style of learning, I have not had the time and resources to fully implement it. As I finish up the master’s degree, I am equipped with more strategies, tools and time to fulfill this goal. When I think of what 21st-century learning is, I think of the four C’s: Creativity and Innovation, Critical Thinking and Problem Solving, Communication and Collaboration. I would like to include these concepts into my own classroom, but there are some steps I will need to take in order to get there.
First, my classroom is not set up for this type of learning right now. When I think of communication and collaboration, I believe this needs to go outside of the four walls of our classroom, and students should be communicating with on a larger scale through technology. Therefore, I would like to set up a Donors Choose project to help fund technology in my classroom.
I would also like to transform my lessons so that they are laid out to include questioning, critical thinking, problem solving, creativity and innovation. Due to time constraints, many of my lessons right now don’t include enough of these skills, but now that I am more familiar with the second grade content and have experience teaching, I would like to change that. One resource that I plan on reading to help me transform these lessons is a book called What School Could Be by Ted Dintersmith. This book shows what teachers all around the country are doing to create innovative classrooms and how to accomplish it.
I have always valued education and plan to continue being a lifelong learner. With my aspirations to further my career in the field of educational technology and 2st-century learning, I want to grow in these areas of knowledge so that I can help other educators and students in this field.
To reach this goal, I plan to join a professional association called Association for Educational Communications and Technology (AECT). The membership includes a subscription to TechTrends, discounts to annual conferences, access to summer leader institute, discounts to AECT publications, access to a job center, and regular conferences. These resources will keep me up to date with the latest technologies and educational tools.
I am confident that these goals will guide me to continue pursuing my ultimate goal of becoming a better version of myself.